Bethlehem Baptist Church – Scratch – March 18th

Hi Scratch Ninjas,

Thanks to everyone who made it out this weekend. You were all great learners, and I hope you had fun and are starting to enjoy coding.
Here are the steps you can take to continue:
  • Sign up for a scratch account on — remember, don’t use your real name when you sign up for an account!
  • If you press “Create”, you can upload what we worked on in class from the file menu. You’re welcome to follow along with the sticky notes and see if you can forge ahead yourself, or wait for the bulletin board to be up where I’ll post a walk through of everything we did, and everything we didn’t have time to get to for you to finish your towers of Hanoi game.
  • If you lost your file or are new, check out the sample project we started with here:
  • Once the bulletin board is up, I’ll also post the completed version, as well as ideas on how to extend the game. The other mentors and I will be checking regularly to answer any questions you may have.
One of the feedback notes that we got was that some people had issues due to not having Flash installed. If you are having trouble with scratch, especially if it says it is due to a plugin missing or not working correctly, go to to see if you have Flash installed, and if not, download it. If you couldn’t make it to last class, it’s especially important to make sure you have Flash installed for next time.
Looking forward to our next coding adventure!
Signing off,
Tech Mentor Ric

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